Does my mind impact my recovery from an MSK injury?
So we know the brain has an impact on pain perception and our general well-being, but can your state of mind influence healing after an injury and what should we consider as FCPs
So we know the brain has an impact on pain perception and our general well-being, but can your state of mind influence healing after an injury and what should we consider as FCPs
Mental Health
Musculoskeletal injuries make up anything up to 20% of GP consults, and FCP's are there to take this pressure off GP's. Growing research shows that anxiety can play a significant role in the perception of pain and the recovery from MSK injuries
Why should you promote to your patients the idea of exercising outdoors? Does this in fact have any more benefits over exercising indoors when we have so much wonderful tech available to make it feel (sort of) the same? Exercise is exercise, right?
Mental Health
How can we prevent burn out of FCP's? Here I explore this is more detail using my own personal experiences of mental health struggles and present some practical tips on dealing with and recognising burn out or when things are getting too much